When cold temperatures begin to arrive it is time to prepare the pool.

Let's talk about how to cover the pool in winter.


Not everyone is of the opinion of covering the pool during cold seasons; it will depend on the area, since there are areas where the temperature does not make sudden changes and it is not so necessary to cover it.

However, for those who decide to cover the pool in winter, we are going to give some tips.

The cold prevents microorganisms from proliferating in the water, so we will wait until the temperature is between 12º and 15º to begin the task.

At this point you must begin with a deep cleaning to leave it in ideal conditions before covering it.

For this we will take into account:

  • Brush the water line on the side walls.
  • Clean the bottom and walls.
  • Clean the filter system.
  • Clean and disinfect the stairs in those that have.
  • Doing a water shock,which involves adding the necessary chemicals to increase the chlorine to levels to destroy bacteria, algae or other elements in the pool water.
  • Lower the water level to approximately 10cm. below the skimers.
  • Disconnect the pump, circuits and filtration system.
  • Pour a conditioner, that is, a pool water maintenance product to prevent the formation of algae, bacteria, lime or parasites.


There are different products on the market to cover swimming pools, among the most used are:

PVC cover

This is the most used form. It is placed manually. You can also choose to place a thermal tarp, which enhances its function.

cubrir la piscina en invierno

Thermal tarpaulin

Also called thermal blanket. It helps to keep the heat of the water and prevent heat loss that happens during the night.

Cubrir la piscina en invierno

Motorized cover

Within these covers there are different varieties such as integrated, sliding, roll-up, submerged or above ground.

It is installed permanently and with a motor it is deployed and collected with practically no physical effort.

Slatted cover

It is a light system and easy to install. They are blind-like slats held with polymers. Even on summer nights they can be used to prevent heat loss.

Se pueden colocar sobre la piscina o también de tipo sumergible, en este caso las lamas se sitúan a ras del agua evitando de esa forma las bolsas de aire.

Mobile terraces

It allows to cover the pool, leaving the pool underground. The installation must be carried out by professionals.

cubrir la piscina en invierno



During the time when bathing is not desirable, the open pool is exposed to the elements, exposing it to dirt, dust, insects, leaves, etc. which means that maintenance must continue to be carried out.

In this way, being covered, the costs and time are avoided, in addition to creating a safety measure for animals or people passing through the area where the pool is.