Real Estate Agent

Agente inmobiliario

What is a Real Estate Agent?

A A Real Estate Agent is a natural person who offers management, advisory and mediation services in operations related to the purchase and sale, rental, contracts or transfer of real estate.

Previously, it was not necessary to have any certification to work as a real estate agent. In 2022, regulations were issued in the Valencian Community regulating this point and requiring all those who wish to work as a real estate agent to pass an exam and also be duly registered.

This is done with the aim of protecting clients from the intrusion that has occurred in recent years and that they are served by true professionals in the real estate sales sector.

Difference between agent and advisor

In practical terms, it is understood that The Real Estate Advisor focuses more on advising a transaction, while the Agent is responsible for managing the entire process.However, in some countries both terms are used as synonyms without any pejorative meaning towards either of them.

Choosing a good professional is not easy, since he is an important and fundamental figure that will help us throughout the purchase process.


  • Giving confidence
  • Having experience
  • Knowing the area
  • Knowing of the surrounding market
  • Professional
  • Defending the interests of the purchaser
  • Having sufficient resources to be able to answer your clients about any questions that may arise regarding any aspect related to the purchase.
  • Knowing proven professionals for issues inherent to the purchase, such as law firms,, banking entities,etc.
  • Being present throughout the entire purchasing journey, from the beginning to the end.

In our particular case, in addition to all of the above, we add the value of having sales representatives who are natives of the countries of our international clients, providing knowledge of both the country of origin and our country.
