Keysol Property invites you to discover the best properties on the real estate market on the Spanish coast

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Concierte un viaje

Arrange a trip

To find the dwelling that meets your criteria, it is important to arrange a guided tour with a professional commercial who will guide you. The visit to the homes will be based on the previous conversations that have been held between client and commercialIt is important to have had fluid and clear contact so that the properties that match the client's criteria can be shown.

Visita puntual

Punctual visit

It would be a matter of arranging a visit for a single day where several previously selected homes can be shown.

This type of visit It is not recommended since there is not enough time to get to know the areas, nor to clarify many points inherent to the purchase of a home and there is also no option to show other homes with similar characteristics, which could be shown with more time.

Viaje de inspección

Inspection trip

An inspection trip lasts between 3 and 4 days where you will be personally assisted by a sales representative.  The inspection trip is the ideal to get the full picture.

Making an inspection trip would involve visiting the different areas and homes in a more relaxed and calm manner, with the opportunity to add other areas or homes to those originally chosen depending on what the client prioritizes.

With his experience, the salesperson will be able to provide advice according to the client's criteria, as well as informing them about aspects of life and customs in the area.

In addition, the salesperson will be able to explain the legal aspects, tax and banking requirements that come with buying a home in Spain.

We are here to serve you

Do not hesitate to contact with us and we will explain everything you need to know, as well as the special conditions for buyers.

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